How To Find The Best Music Video Locations

locationsHow To Find The Best Music Video Locations

Novi Novak God Fearing Snippet

This is not nearly as complicated as it may seem to be.

You simply have to find locations around your house that look interesting or different.

Alleys, Graffiti Walls, Weird looking walls, Basements, unique furniture in living rooms. It is that easy.
Be on the look out for anything that seems cool.

I shot my UOENO Music Video in the basement of the house I lived in. Looked like a crack house haha.

Still came out cool though, I shot and edited it myself in less than 3 hours. I also wrote and recorded the song the same day. Boom 65k views beetch. Please note that the guy holding camera moved switches and pressed buttons as he shot it. But it is visual stimulation and it sure worked.  [LINK]


In God Fearing I was looking for locations for my idea and literally just shot the entire thing in the park and the woods.

Oh and the part where I’m on the table with the mortician looking guy, that’s my Uncle, and the room we shot it in, that’s the dingy basement I grew up in at my grandmothers house.

It was 5 feet away from me as I grew up. If you can’t tell I grew up poor, look no further than that shot. [LINK TO GOD FEARING]


Wrapping Up 

Just shoot ANY WHERE that looks unique. Doesn’t matter where it is at. As you can see above, I was shooting in my basement in both places I lived and no one would EVER EVER think that was where I was shooting…. Unless I told them 😉

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