When Should You Start Charging For Rap Collabs? (Make $$$)

When Should You Start Charging For Rap Collabs? (Make $$$)

What is the real question here. When should you start selling collaboration so you can make a little money and where your fanbase. How you get the answer. Rob Lowe. This is. You smart and he’s someone that the ISRA. The clown you have a lot of thousand people a thousand things when you’re in a thousand real people on your social media. Even if it was for foul or anything like that a thousand real people on your Facebook Instagram and Twitter or whatever you’re using. You haven’t any real people. You could start and collect raisins. OK. But that’s why I’m putting off what you really do here is that you’re not to get hung up on here. Right so in the beginning stages really what this is about. I want you to consider social and collaboration for 20 hours worth of food from the Boston Red.

They so good the beginning stages. Money is a lot of money but it’s all about money. That was one of you. If you do a song with them. But in the beginning stages it’s not about 20 dollars as much as it is that you’re monetizing sealants Hazel you’re giving money to do a job. Graphic design job and you start making money from ok that makes you feel way more confident when it comes time when it comes down to of your song collaboration. You still think collaboration between box and you are on 10 different songs. Other artists were you to their fan bases so your family is growing so you can charge more money for collaborations. It’s very simple don’t they. Twenty bucks. Oh it’s just 20 bucks a month your mind.

OK. And for those also to see that you’re getting paid to do a collab. You’re going to do better because you can pay to do it. And realistically not really look at. You just doing a sexy martyrs. You’re just doing a collaboration between us. I made a whole song. You’re just doing a verse that’s getting hurt by people and it should grow from and then you’re getting paid. You intend to September 2011 get to college in 10 weeks your house anything to him. That’s a lot of people making that job right. Right. Think about that. Really. And when you get to a certain point doing is enough you’re getting hurt by 10 10 groups of people not incessantly and they can mess with 50 bucks when you’re 50 dollars you could actually start 500000 people many of them. Right.

When Should You Start Charging For Rap Collabs?

But that’s what it’s about and just crying it out and just getting it done. And then you charge more money. I mean 50 bucks. Are you still working on genre who gave you 50 bucks. No good. Who is right. 60 more recordings. He should have been doing it.

The wait is you’re going to be able to sell last for showing the other person look I have an audience of people. So you get 20 dollars. You’re going to be seen by these thousand people. It should be 20 bucks. You can see how people want to see something because it’s worth that much money.

And you have to explain that a person I love these people and I really believe our heart is the real fear now if you won’t hear that a hundred people are going to listen to this discussion is wrong with me for 20 bucks you’ll give us a lot of class stuff. It’s a pretty good connection respectful not to want to pay. And more importantly at the end of the day for all of these kids 20 hours the important part important part is actually establishing the growth they said. Then the relationships if you’re doing this on a regular basis let’s say they here you club 50 people in any one of those artists ever blow up after you get to say hello diapers. The more people you do with the more can actually do that. So these are keeping in contact with them which I highly recommend them labeling but hey will get other glabra because you are still the person now.

You can get it off their audience and then you grow. And when you’re getting what your audience growing. Roy right on top where it’s consistently collaborate with each other. So people do projects they get a level drug infusion of that cool that reached the top 10 or has but every fucking body you people that didn’t listen. Drake listen if you listen to that listen if you listen listen and boom they will become even more superstar level. Collaboration is the way to the top of your relationship. If you have to grow you see him as one rapper a rapper into someone on the smart grid I can hit you with your format for today or not. And with a comedy to be something put something Moldova the ones you press to get those words okay and they try his right.

The little bells can notify every time releasing a video which segregates becomes more radical Shia tomorrow and another video and things happen it is all gone with or exploding just don’t have a moral. So there is more videos.


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