Your Chance To Get Heard By Millions Of People

Then this could be your golden ticket. 


That is how many people would see the Smart Rapper Mixtape that YOU are on.

You know I’m always upfront with you. Of course, not all 5-15 million people we market the Smart Rapper Mixtape to will listen but that’s okay. Even if just 20% of those 5-15 million people give the mixtape a listen that’s 3 MILLION rap fans listening to the mixtape YOU are on.

If only 10% of those people 3 Million People who hear the mixtape became fans of you…. you would have 300,000 Fans.

But that’s a bit crazy right…okay, well how about 1/2 of that number…what if even 5% became fans of you?

You’d gain 150,000 fans. Think about that.

And even then the 3 Million people have still seen your rap name and heard you even if they aren’t a fan yet.

I have been working on this for a LONG LONG time because that is what the Smart Rapper Mixtape is giving YOU the opportunity to do.

This Is How It Works

Picture this really quick…. you lay down a crazy hot 16 bar verse on a super hot song with me on the chorus.

Then 2 other hand picked artists also lay down 2 hot verses.

Now there is me on the hook, you and 2 MORE SERIOUS up coming artists all promoting the same song as a team.

  1. Then I post that song on my Music YouTube channel that has 135,000+ subscribers.
  2. Then I promote it on the Smart Rapper YouTube to over 200,000 Subscribers.
  3. Then I shout you AND the song out on my Instagram with over 300,000 people
  4. Then I POST the song on the Smart Rapper Facebook (5k People), Instagram (15,000 People) and more.
  5. Then when the tape is fully completed me and my team spend $15,000+ marketing the mix tape to get that song heard.

That’s what’s happening here.

My team and I will be hand picking the best artists who submit their songs and want to be on this tape.

[Submission Form Is At The Bottom Of The Page]

The Process

All you have to do is submit your song or songs that you think will show us that you are a serious artists that is GOOD ENOUGH to have a verse on this tape.

If chosen, You only have to record your 16 bar verse on the song.

I handle the mixing, the mastering and the artwork…


I promote the song to my current fan base. And since I’m on the song, they will wanna hear it.

If you murder your verse they are going to look you up and you’ll gain a new fan.


Then you and the other 2 artist also promote the song hard!

Now you have ME and 2 other people plus yourself marketing the song.

Have you ever had that much fire power and fuel marketing any song of yours?

Be honest?! Have you?

Probably not! And that’s why you didn’t gain the fans you deserve for being such a great artist.


You just need people to hear you ONE TIME! Right?

That is why this will change everything. That’s why I have been planning on doing this for the last 3 years!

Now Imagine This

The song you are on will be 1 of the 15 songs on the Smart Rapper mix tape that will have 40-45 rappers on it ALL promoting the songs and tape as a whole.


That’s more people than a major record label has marketing something.

PLUS there will be around 15,000 in marketing dollars going into promoting the tape across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and more.

Nobody does this shit for you like Smart Rapper!



Everyone from my fan base on my Music YouTube Channel + the Smart Rapper channel where I’ll promote it all the time, those 45 rappers and $15,000 in targeted hip hop fans will be driven to that mix tape and check out every track.

Remember I own a marketing company, I can make $15,000 go a long way.

Imagine 45 versions of YOU marketing the same mix tape to get everyone heard.

How would we not get at least 1 Million People to listen to this mix tape?!

This Is Exciting!

I’m not trying to be cocky here… but who is fuckin’ with me!?

Who is giving YOU opportunities like this?!

It’s a rhetorical question, my friend.

Because I already know the answer…


Rob, Labels Give Us A Similar Opportunity

You know I’m kidding when I say that… labels have never done anything like this in the history of the music industry.

No one had the pieces to this puzzle to be able to do this!


A label won’t even look at you until you have momentum built.

But I am willing to give anyone who is dope enough a chance here.

You get to SKIP the line if you have spent the time building your style. It’s only right, right?

If you have the TALENT, I want to help you shine and we shine together. I’m on EVERY SONG.

I want EVERY SONG to do great.

It’s not like I’m just making a mixtape with random artists. NO! I wrote and recorded on every single one of these songs!

This isn’t just YOURS… it’s OURS! And then OURS as an entire super team of 45 rappers.

I have never been more excited for something in my life!

I’ve been working on this mixtape idea and plan for about 3 years now and I wish you could see my excitement through this text.

The best rappers on this tape will have the ability to launch their career and change their life.

You will gain A LOT of fans from this.

We are ALL working as a TEAM HERE!

Lastly, If you aren’t a fan of Smart Rapper….

I don’t see why you would want on a Mixtape I have spent 100s of hours putting together?

If you know me, if you respect me, you understand how much I care and help. And I want you knowing that every step of this Mixtape process.

I put A LOT into this. I need the BEST PEOPLE! HARD WORKING PEOPLE!

This is a community and teamwork movement to help the best artists from our community at Smart Rapper.

If you’re NOT a team player DO NOT submit.

If you’re NOT willing to help promote the song you get on for A FEW MONTHS


Don’t Waste My F***ing time.

This is very important to me and it will be important to over 40 rappers AND their entire fanbases.

Remember, it’s a requirement to promote your song A LOT. This way all of the people on the mixtape FEELS like they have to do their part to also help.

Them promoting their songs leads to the tape and leads to YOUR SONG.

And the loop continues and we all grow!

 It’s a TEAM effort that can be something that changes how mixtapes are made and released.

If you are interested in this you can go submit your best song(s) by clicking this button.

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