How To Get Famous If You Have Other Responsibilities (How To Be Successful)
You want to know how to get famous? Well If there is anything you want to do in life, you have to 100% chase that dream and passion.
If you think you can juggle 50 things and watch everything move forward fast, you are insane. Anytime I have had to do side things that had nothing to do with getting famous or making it big…. I was slowed down massively. But if what I was doing helped in some way, I did it with a better attitude because I knew it was helping my overall goals of becoming successful.
Every single hour you spend doing something ELSE is taking you AWAY from your main goals.
If anything make everything in your life in the same industry so that you are growing your eco system.
I’m not saying don’t go to college… I’m saying, what do you WANT TO DO with your life? Where do you want to be in 10 years? Is college going to put you there?
The only thing you need to do in your life is do things that are going to get you where you are going to be HAPPY being at. That’s the secret to it all.
Learning how to be successful is easy. Just focus ONLY ON what you want and work 10 times more than everyone else. Period. How could not become a success if you worked that hard and were that driven?
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