Top 5 Rapper Street Promotion Tips and Tricks

street rapper tipsRapper Street Promotion Tips and Tricks

1) Get MASSES of CDs made – Hand Out CDs 

Hand make CDs like I show you how to in Level 5.

Hit the street and convince people to buy your mixtape for a QUARTER!

Major Note

Say EVEN a Dime! People respect something they gave money for. They will toss something they got for free. Because they see the value as literally useless, they paid NOTHING for it.

If you get them to give you a quarter, they will listen to it!

How do I know? 

I bought a mixtape for $1 before to be nice and the ONLY reason I didn’t throw it away was because it’d be like throwing away a dollar. I almost threw it in the garbage can as I was about to go back to my car, but I didn’t!

I listened to it and then threw it in the garbage can because all he did was talk about cars bitches and money and he had none of those things, I just met the corny mother fucker on the street. I saw he was lying and I instantly disliked it.

Also, you don’t want to lose money by giving away CDs like that. You need to get reimbursed for your time handing them out and also for the cost of the materials.

Major Note

When you start your Street Teams in each city. Send these CDs to your street teams. Tell them you will send them 20 CDs and if they sell them, you will split the sales with them 😀 This wasn’t even my idea. A super fan did it for me and he made me a bunch of new fans AND money! 

2) Hand out business cards

You GOTTA have business cards. Business cards are WAYYYYYYY Cheaper than CDs. You can get 500 made for like $20. But getting 500 CDs made will be around $300+. See the difference?

Anyone you meet or even make eye contact with, you should give them your card.

The card also makes you look like more of a somebody. More professional and official!

Make sure it includes all of your social media links, your website, your PROFESSIONAL e-mail address associated with your website and your brand logo.

3) Hand out MP3 Cards

MP3 cards have special codes on them for a FREE download of a song you have online. If you can make anyone care, these are awesome. It is actually of value because you are giving them 99 cents for FREE or maybe even your whole album FREE.

So unlike a business card, this .50 card actually has value!

“Hey you look like a hiphop fan, here is $10” they say “What?” then you’re like “That is $10 on iTunes but that is a FREE card to get it. I’m only handing out 100 of these!”

They might go home and have those MP3s now downloaded into their music library. Potential new fan if you’re good.

The only issue is getting these cards set up properly online where the person can download them using the code.

4) Hire sign spinners

Sign spinners gain more attention than almost anything out there! It is a big ass guy walking around spinning a sign that has something on it.

You may not think you can use this as an artist but you really really can. Just be creative.

They are generally $15-$20

5) Hire a mascot 

If you walk around with a big ass mascot, people will think it’s funny and approach.

You wanna entertain people who you are about to hand a CD out too. They are more prone to listening to that CD if you incorporate some type of eye catching spectacle.

Another reason to have sign spinners haha.

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