The Top Rappers In Every City

the best upcoming rappersThe Top Rappers In Every CityThe Top Rappers In Every CityThe Top Rappers In Every City

In this part of Smart Rapper I list upcoming and top rappers in every city so that you can reach and out and network with them.

This will be a great resource to help rappers in every city connect and continue putting their city on the map.

I’ll try to include their collab price when I list them so you know how much working with them would be.

If you have something else to offer you can reach out to them with that as well.

Just remember, networking is about giving, not taking. You must provide value to the other person or they have no reason to network with you.

Don’t just reach out with your hand out to these rappers. I’m only listing rappers that are hustling and making moves in their cities and are potentially the next up at some point in time.

Show respect and good luck with your networking efforts!

The Top Rappers In Every CityRappers In chicago


Rappers In Los Angeles


Rappers In New York


Rappers In MiamiThe Top Rappers In Every City

Don’t worry, the list takes time to build. It will come together for every city soon enough.

The Top Rappers In Every City

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