How To Rap Like A Pro In 3 Super Easy Steps

how to rap like a pro

How To Rap Like A Pro

What does it mean when I say How to rap like a pro?

I’m going to outline the difference in being an PROFESSIONAL RAPPER aka SMART RAPPER and an UNPROFESSIONAL RAPPER.

Quick and easy!

professional rapper

how to rap like a prohow to rap like a pro

1) A Professional Rapper Will Write And Rewrite Songs

Not just writing once and saying “Well that’s good enough!” because that’s rarely true. Maybe 5 songs in my entire career that I ended up releasing did I just write and say “Welp, that works!”. That is only rare because that is when an insane amount of inspiration hits you and you just murder a song in 45 minutes total! An example of one of my songs where I did that in 45 minutes from start to finish is ‘One Size Fits All’.

I’ve watched interviews on everyone from Kendrick Lamar to Tupac saying that they will write and rewrite songs as a normal process.

kendrick lamar rapper

This is because the song gets better and better and better. You write a song fresh and that inspiration is put into the song. Then you go back a week later and hear it a whole new way. Then you rewrite and make it better and better. Possibly change some of the recording and finish it. Then you go back again later and write again and re record pieces. Now you have a rap song that has literally 3 times the effort your 1st take would have had.

I often go back to songs that are even years old and hear it in a whole new light and then rewrite it with the NEW skills that I have built since I originally made the song. Makes sense right? You get better and better everyday. Why wouldn’t you be better at writing more to a song 3 months from today? Common sense and a very professional thing to do.

Never consider that your first time writing a song is the last time writing a song. That’s #1 for How To Rap Like A Pro

how to rap like a pro
number 2 rapper

2) Will Make 100 Songs For Every 10 He Releases

Have you ever heard someone like T-Pain, Lil Wayne, The Game or T.I. say that they wrote 100s of songs for an album? Well it’s true! You don’t just release ANY SONG you make. That is completely amateur… unless every song you make is a hit which means you shouldn’t even be on this site you should be selling songs to Rihanna :’D I got the connect if you got the hit songs, e-mail me lol But I’m takin a split! 😀


Anyways! Doesn’t it make sense that you write a ton of songs and out of all of those songs there are like 5-10 INCREDIBLE songs that you love? Well those songs become the mixtape or album. This way your fans are only getting the HOTTEST STUFF, not just the decent stuff.

You’ll notice people like Gucci Mane just release everything they make. Sure it allows you to release a ton of content but people expect it to just be decent instead of expecting it to be great every time which is what makes them want to listen time and time again.

That’s #2 for How To Rap Like A Pro

how to rap like a professional
professional rapper

3) Making your plans WAY before things happen

A lot of artist just go with the flow and just expect to gain a fan base at random. That is not going to get you anywhere. If you don’t have a plan how the hell can you make sure you win?

making a rap plan

Do you think that a football team goes onto the field without studying their competition and knowing what their best plays and strategy are for playing every week? You know the answer is no. A football team has a book of strategies. Imagine how terribly the team would lose if they went out on the field and just randomly ran around and threw and tried to catch and score with NO PLAN.

The quarter back would be tossing the ball to a random receiver and chances are…. the ball would get intercepted 50% more at least.

So you need to have a plan of attack, a strategy. Look how in-depth I went into planning my most recent album’s release.

Check that article out here 

If you didn’t know, most rap artist, singers and bands usually have their album finished 4-6 months prior to release so that they can start on a plan towards making sure it gets heard. You don’t want to spend months or even years creating an album and just hope that it gets heard by people, that would be a VERY STUPID move.

You need to make sure everyone is paying attention when you release it. The buzz leading up to an album is more exciting for fans than the actual moment they listen to it. It is a psychological excitement that the time is coming.

Major Note

Here is a great example. How massively excited were you for Christmas morning as a kid? Weren’t those 5 days right before Christmas just SUPER RIDICULOUSLY EXCITING!?!? Like “I CAN’T WAIT!!!! I WONDER WHAT I WILL GET!” Then Christmas morning comes and 45 minutes after you opened your presents…. you could honestly have cared less about Christmas because now it’s over.

Well the same feeling happens inside of fans. Then after they have your music, they pick 3 songs they absolutely love on your rap album and they play them on repeat until they get old and then they listen to the other 12 songs until they are bored and in a total of 3 weeks later they are bored of you again. Therefore your album was only really exciting for 3-4 weeks unless you have a SMASH HIT, which I’m sorry to say, you probably don’t have no matter how much you have convinced yourself that you do.

So the key take away here is that you need to leverage every single solitary day LEADING UP TO your albums release. Giving you all of the days prior to release and also the 4 weeks after it for you to build buzz. Then you plan more things to continue building your momentum.

That’s Another good one for How To Rap Like A Pro.

Unprofessional rapper
how to rap like a pro
how to rap like a pro

1) Not Watching How You Talk To Your Fans And Present Yourself Publicly

An unprofessional, untrained rapper who is a NON pro rapper will talk with out thinking on their social media.

You don’t show any form of negativity on your pages.

Meaning you don’t talk down to fans or say stupid things that can offend people on your pages.

I have seen (a female rapper you probably know) laughing at her fans in a very negative manner before she blew up when I was studying her page. That shit even pissed me off because I would never do that to a fan like that who was just being nice and asking a question… imagine how much it angered the fan.

hood music

Now I permanently won’t be a fan of her because I saw her true side.

If you are really feeling like being an asshole, control your emotions and hold back.

I have argued with fans before, I won’t lie. I am the type of person who sticks up for what he believes in and used to always state how I felt in any circumstance.

Is much smarter just to keep your opinions to yourself and let people say what they want to say. Getting involved in anything just makes you look smaller and also shows that it affects you.

Don’t respond to any negativity or anything that makes you seem smaller than you truly are or want to be.

It doesn’t matter how much what they say infuriates you. You will say it and 45 minutes later when you cooled down you will feel stupid for saying whatever you said and now you have potentially lost a fan or fans.

Similar to how you will hear a story about how Chris Brown posted a tweet angry about something then he took it down 10 minutes later. Be smart, control your emotions.

how to rap like a pro
number 2 rapper

2) Not Recording Audio On Professional Equipment
+ Not Being Good Enough To Even Release Songs

There is a reason I didn’t release my first mixtape until I had been rapping for YEARS. It was because I knew the quality of $250 in gear wasn’t going to cut it to have myself taken seriously as someone who wanted to be a professional artist.

Before I released my music I waited and waited till I KNEW my shit was great from songwriting to audio quality. I didn’t just release garbage and hope people liked it. There is a reason my first mixtape blew up and that is a huge key to it.

You know I am telling the truth about me waiting because that is the reason the tape is called ‘Hibernations Over’. The beast I had built myself to become was finally done being in the cave and came out to make it all happen. BOOM, it happened.

One thing I am completely against is rappers just dropping songs screaming “This is my new hit!” or “Download my new mixtape!” then I give it a listen and it total garbage dump because

1) They didn’t write and rewrite to make the songs hot

2) Their was no quality so they sounded like amateur WANNA-BE rappers and

3) They think since everyone else is garbage and making it in the game that they can be garbage and make it.

Hypocritically I do tell people to start before they are ready. The issue is that you are competing with SO SO SO SO SO many rappers. If you are not QUALITY in sound and songwriting…. You are going to get written off as something NO GOOD. And I probably won’t ever click your link again after you send another one.

Just because you CAN release music, doesn’t mean YOU SHOULD release music. Even more so, it doesn’t mean you should PROMOTE THAT MUSIC to people and bother them with 30% of your true potential. You will look stupid whether or not you realize people are saying it about you.

A professional puts in the work AND THEN shows the world his hard work. Football players train their asses off ALL YEAR ROUND and then show the world their skills.

That’s #2 for How To Rap Like A Pro | Unprofessional haha

how to rap like a pro

(W)Rapping Up

I could write A LOT more, but I know people have short attention spans so I will leave it at this. Just know that you need to really use your brain and be a Smart Rapper. Your focus is on success for the long term, not the short term. Trust me, you’ll regret the moves you make that don’t stick and your fame rises then falls fast and it hurts your ego more than ever.

Plan your process, work hard and make tons of music and grow your fan base 1 person at a time! That is How To Rap Like A Pro! Don’t forget to sign up below to get free e-books with writing tools and Instagram marketing tricks all FREE instantly when you sign up.

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