Smart Rapper Has To Change
Everything is about to change…
Please watch this because if you have ever watched a smart rapper video this affects you.
I’ll be announcing the Spray contest winners in just a minute but first let me outline this video and why you really need to watch it
1. In this video in talking about the big label meeting I just had where they wanted to buy part of Smart rapper
2. I’m going to talk about how you can get your music into radio rotation on Dash which has millions of listeners.
3. the big changes happening here that will supercharge your career
Let’s get into it
Big News About Smart Rapper!
Big news is, I had a meeting with a big label that wanted to buy equity in Smart Rapper because they can see it is the future.
I went to the meeting just to hear what they wanted to say and I knew I wasn’t going to sell any of Smart Rapper. This is my baby.
I sat at the label with like 4 exec’s and I said “What can you guys do for me?” and everything they said they could do…. I already had planned for the future.
I told them that and they said well we can help you get there faster. And I’m thinking… I got money, I can get there faster too. What do they have that I don’t have.
But when they started talking about how massive and culturally significant they saw Smart Rapper could be in the next few years… in that moment I realized… the vision and ideas I always had for us on Smart Rapper isn’t a crazy dream. These people IN THE INDUSTRY see it too. And it made me say, why the hell am I not doing more to make that vision a reality.
What are those things, Â so I mapped it all out. More content, better content, better production quality, more courses, higher website authority and ranking, more subscribers more reason for word of mouth growth, subsidiary businesses I can create that increase my reach ability and help you all have more reach too.
So I am currently hiring 5 new people.
I have 100s of applications already and we are doing interviews this week. These 5 people will help me make better, higher quality content and run and manage Smart Rapper as a power house with me leading everyone.
If I did all this by myself, researched these articles, wrote them and posted them on smart rappers website, shot and edited over 800 of these videos, made 800 thumbnails and uploaded these BY MYSELF….. Â imagine what I could do every week with a team of people dedicated to making it better for you.
Smart Rapper is going to be HUGE and I wanted to thank YOU for watching these videos and helping it get here. And I hope these changes supercharge your music careers growth.
Help Me Help You On Smart Rapper
I need your input on if the stuff I’m about to say is right. I want to know what I can do go better inform you, motivate you and give you the information you need to succeed. Â
Instead of releasing 1 video a week like I have been recently, I want to go back to release a video a day like I did in 2017 and early 2018 except I want these videos to be way better!
So I need to know what kind of videos YOU want and need. And I’m going to tell you my current plan for all of these videos.
Right now I did all of this myself up till like the last 10 videos I was writing the articles, shooting the videos, editing the videos and uploading them and it is a TON of work.
When I was doing a video a day I realized it was just me trying to put out content daily to provide value to you but it wasn’t organized and there wasn’t a strategy to maximize the value I can provide to you
So check it out. In the near future I will start releasing 5 to 7 video a week on here but each day of the week will cover a specific area that you need to learn to be more successful as a music artist. For Example
Monday Music Business and how to make money
This will be music business information on establishing yourself, from branding to setting up your music publishing, signing up with ASCAP or BMI, running a record label, signing people and how all this turning yourself into a business stuff works. This area will also include self help, inspiration and motivation to help you overcome your anxieties and fears to better yourself. I’ve been there and I know it’s the biggest thing holding you back.Â
Tuesday Mixing Your Music
and this is something you all have asked for forever and for this I am actually bringing in someone who has written songs for Chris brown, Selena Gomez, and produced for Tory Lanez, Akon and the list goes on and on.
I am actually going to have him break down everything you need to know about mixing, we will start with the basics every week and build up to the pro tricks and in a few months everyone will have a full mixing course by watching all the videos in a row.
Wednesday Music Marketing
which I know everyone of you wants and needs and I already have a ton lines up. Every week you’ll learn tricks to get your music heard and run your social media to be more efficient
Thursday Home Studio
like videos on music gear, how to record yourself, how to set up acoustic treatment, microphone reviews for rappers and more
Friday Breaking Down Artist’s Careers
to show how they got there and what you can learn and apply to yourself to get there
Saturday Lyric and Songwriting
tricks which will be on the Rap school channel I’ll put a link below to subscribe to that
Sunday News From This Week All In 1 Video
I’ll take all the news from this week from the music business side of things as well as from hip hop gossip and what’s going on.
What do you think of all those ideas? When I go on tour I am going to make an entire stage performance and touring guide as well. But for now this is the plan.
What do you feel like you want to see? I figure if I can provide value in every area, Smart Rapper will be the go to place that helps you learn everything in the industry! And you’ll come back at least once a week just see the video in the area you’re interested in.
This gives you a reason to come back all the time and remember to come to the channel as often as you can.
The production quality of all the videos will increase when we start this to make the videos more entertaining and fun for you to watch as well.
I’m making everything better!
Ability For You To Get Radio Play On Dash Radio
I have a radio show on Dash Radio with legendary mixtape DJ and 17 million record selling mastermind Clinton Sparks. Its Thursdays 11am to 12pm on Dash Mixtape go download the app because you’re going to love what I’m about to say.
Dash overall has MILLIONS of listeners and I have partnered with Dash Mixtape to be able to start providing slots to Smart Rappers.
Your music can get into the rotation and you can start getting heard. I’m not even joking here! I have a meeting this week at Dash to figure out exactly how we are doing all of this.
We are also going to figure out how we can do music reviews of your music live on air every week where you can call in and get heard and reviewed by me, Clinton Sparks and the guest of the week which is soon to be big name rappers.
Smart Rapper Products Have Been Updated
For the last month and a half I have had people focused on revamping all of my products and updating them with me so they are all now new and improved. Also the website has gone through a revamp.
And we now have 15 more products on the site that you can checkout
Smart Rapper Spray Contest Winners
**Contest Winners Email with a link to all of your social media and proof you are who you say you are.
Also for anybody wondering if the smart rapper mixtape is still a thing… YES, it is. But it’s going to take some time to get everything prepared and ready for it.