3 Ways To Get Your Music On Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, Google Play, Tidal and more
A small rapper gang. Today we’re talking about the top three ways to get you music on Spotify. Apple music iTunes Pandora pretty much where you can put music so you are getting paid from your music or at least starting to build a fan base on those like the way you didn’t have music on these and I’m going to tell you the best three ways you can get your music on those sites. I’m going to talk about that right after the intro I’m Rob level this is my rapper dot com. You can get some more money for yourself today. He is smarter rapper the intro.
Made videos on this before but I and that I had I had focused on the one that I was using at the time. But now there’s new options and it’s actually better options. So it actually hit you guys with the greatest stuff so let’s go into the first one because number one is actually an improvement over the one that I had been recommending before and the one that I’m actually using because I’m already using it I’m already used to it. We’ll talk about that when we get to number two the number one option for you to get your music on Spotify and everything else like that because of the features and everything else. I’m going to recommend you guys Destro kid. Now you probably heard of Destro kid if you haven’t will you probably haven’t even googled. How do I get my music up on Spotify and stuff like that.
Well this is a really good option. Blow unlimited songs all year unlimited as many songs in albums as you want for one price. OK. Which is really good because usually other services you pay per single will you pay 10 percent or 30 per element and 50 recurring per year with Destro. The reason I like this is because it’s like straight to the point here. You pay this much money. You can upload all the music you want which is you can keep creating and I have to worry about that. And honestly this is a really big deal because. I remember when I was so broke thinking about this if you have six albums and it’s fifty dollars a year for each album every year would net 300 dollars comes out of nowhere and you pay it to keep your music up there you’ll go through it all like that. That’s a lot of money. 30 bucks. On.
3 Ways To Get Your Music On Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, Google Play, Tidal and more
It. Just give it a good new when you’re starting out. Right. So you don’t want that happening with this. It’s just one price a year which I absolutely love because I know that for you guys and girls that’s going to save you money that’s going to save you time. That’s that’s going to have you feel this fear and anxiousness of all the renewals coming out. And then one time I couldn’t even pay it. They had to take down just need to take it down because I couldn’t afford to pay. The money at that time anyways. So this is a good thing. I like this also additionally that they do is they’ll help you get your verified check mark on Spotify but please note THIS RIGHT IT’S FREE TO GET YOUR VERIFIED check mark and it’s not even hard to get your verified checked mark on Spotify.
OK so that’s a cool thing. If they can help you at all though make the process a little bit easier. That’s awesome. Another cool feature is that they say that they distribute your music to the other sites like Spotify and iTunes and Apple Music ten times faster which it really does matter as much as you look at it and it didn’t really matter. It does matter. I remember uploading an album around the holiday season and it didn’t get uploaded for over a month and a half because it was the holiday season and all iTunes apples they take they take longer with this stuff and it was like I was like oh my god I need this I need this because it’s like I was trying to sell it around Christmas to make more money because people get iTunes gift cards or stuff like that right.
And that kind of screwed me. So having the ability to upload it faster and get it up there quicker and I don’t know how much quicker but I’m actually excited to see so if you guys know how much faster they get up there like if it’s up there like in two days that would be amazing because usually takes a week or two weeks to get it up through that option number two that we’re talking about. But anyways another cool feature that I think could be really useful especially with the way that I tell everybody on Smar Rappard to collaborate with each other is you can actually do splits. You could say we give 50 percent of this on the mobile right now 50 percent of it’s going to go to this guy’s account bullied. That’s awesome. That is awesome. This way you don’t have to get the money in one lump sum and you can trust this guy.
Really I don’t know this guy who’s ever going to pay me. You know I’ve written songs from major artists and their managers are yet to pay as I sought to sue them for the money. You know St. Louis. Tens of thousands of dollars in this way you could actually be like look we’re going to try to get a bro. Ok cool I’m going to split it. You can actually say 50 percent goes 50 percent goes here or X amount goes to the producer that is a really cool feature. I love that. Now I looked up to see what kind of discounts Destro kid has and the only discount that they have is if you’re already signed up as a member you can get another number on. So what I did was I actually went and purchased Destro kit even though not going to use it by purchase it I paid the money for the whole year.
3 Ways To Get Your Music On Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, Google Play, Tidal and more
To give you guys discount code. So if you want to upload an album of those things with stuff like that you’re going to get a discount by using the code and to give you guys which just go to B.W. smart Rappard dot com slash DK like Destro Cade DK and is going to give you the discounts and I think it saves you it saves what it’s almost like 30 percent total if it’s like the 20 dollar package. It’s like 20 bucks for two years nothing. No I’m always trying to help. Yeah. All right let’s get to number two. Number two I’ve been using actually for the last six years. It’s still good but then when I found out about what distro it had I was like oh downstroke is better as I put it is number one but I still want to show you guys the options.
Number two is Tombe core and you probably heard two score as well. I’ve been to core Artist of the week two times which is cool and another cool thing that I like about some Quor that I’m sure is actually also a feature for Destro kid but I didn’t see them on their list. As you can actually track every time how many songs were played every day. So when I get a hundred spins on a song a day on Spotify it shows me look a hundred people listen to your song and this is the song. Here’s the breakdown of how many listens you got. I’m sure Destro kid has the same feature if not probably a better feature but tumour’s another option. The thing with two inquiries is that it goes individually so it’s like this would be a good option if you were going to use dislocations to upload a lot of music.
Destro Kate if you’re just gonna upload one single arms and you upload it to Toome Quirk is just 10 bucks and that’s just like OK one single if you want to start there right. But then also an album is 30 dollars. OK but here’s the thing is that is a recurring fee every year over 30 for the album first year but then next year the next year they hit you with a 50 dollar fee for every year that should keep it up it’s 50 bucks. Like I said at the beginning of this video. But for a single of just one single for a whole year. Ten bucks. And I think the recurring is only 10 bucks and might be 20 though. I wouldn’t doubt if I went up to 20 Choom course. Good if you Wyles of a discount for Toome course and you want to do Toome core.
It’s WTW that smart Rappard dot com slash TC and I’ll put all these links below for you guys and girls. Number three the talk about CD baby and his advantages and disadvantages. You’ve probably heard of CD Baby fantastic company. I like a lot of good things say about and they’ve even talked to the guy who started CD Baby. He watched my life story was like you noticed that was really cool. Rolet I really respect that stuff about it. Okay cool. Like I like this guy OK but let’s talk about the features of it right. It’s a one time fito forever. OK. The way that the way that I check it out looked at it apparently said a pain a recurring fee every month. You pay like fifty dollars for an album First Time. And is there forever. Like that’s fantastic. Also you can get paid weekly through CD Baby What’s it feel like.
It’s actually it’s it’s best it’s highest the most like the best feature that has to get paid weekly because I do know what you get paid every month. And I don’t know how effective it would destroy it but I would assume that it’s every month. But so too right now the way it’s looking at CD babies every week which is amazing because if you get paid every weekend you need that extra money to pay for groceries stuff because you’re a struggling artist. Like I wish I could have used this before like having had that feature. That’s really cool. CD Baby I don’t have any uncles or anything like that. So if that’s your OPSEU you want to go with the one time fee and then getting paid weekly which is fantastic news go to CD Baby dot com and then there’s a way sign up there. All right you know what time it is.
3 Ways To Get Your Music On Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, Google Play, Tidal and more
Israel stop not a day new words say no words we sent for you were made by you lead. Baby you’ll be smart. You was biffo.
Today’s word of the day is ameliorate it means to grow to make better. For example I do these word of the day to help ameliorate vocabulary. She then went 100 fast.
All right. Me with will comment below using the word of the day. We see four bars below that OK and if you have any questions ask them below so I can possibly answer them. Also if you have any suggestions for people to use any other services that maybe I have missed go and check those out OK. Hit me with the like please please pretty please because every like adds up and then Hindu with the subscribe were growing by 270 to 350 subscribers every single day. You know almost 10000 subscribers a month right now and is thanks to you watching these videos as thanks to you wanting to learn and grow yourself and get smarter. And I really appreciate that you also go and hit that subscribe button and when you do get a little notification Belke it is going to notify you every time a new video releases and I release a new video every day so you can become smarter so that subscribe button and a notification Bell okay and if you are already subscribed to a low notification bell so that you get those notifications because you may forget to do that.
OK. Appreciate you. Now hey did you guys know the video of course is going crazy. I gave away all those discount codes I will link below for you guys. Actually. I’ll add more discount codes so people can get that they want to. We’ve already got amazing ratings and reviews on that. Also communities coming to shoot us how to shoot music videos with your cellphone entire course. That is crazy. I don’t go into that later but I’m like going out and check out these other videos. Lots to come. Guys thanks for being a part of this. Thanks for thanks for sticking with me to get to these other videos and spread them other channels actually have a show coming and I just got a deal with a company affiliated straight to Amazon. So six pieces of content. I mean. I mean we’re growing like crazy. It’s going like crazy. Check out these videos.
I’m going to see you guys tomorrow with another video. So keep watching he Pawson. I appreciate you. Rabbit gang.