I Spent $25 On Real SoundCloud Promotion And This Happened

What up Smart Rapper Gang, I’m Rob Level AKA the best rapper you know who tells you what other rappers don’t want you to know. I’ll be discussing every single tactic used to build an impressive SoundCloud profile for FREE. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to reach unbelievable numbers in just one month.

Just to make sure that this was the real deal, I recorded over a dozen videos showing my progress and exactly what I did to make it happen. Check them out on the Smart Rapper YouTube channel.

If I could do it from scratch, you can too. Here are the results I got in one month from a profile that had 0 followers and 0 streams. Remember, I did this without me promoting any SoundCloud promotion to my fan base. It is all organic growth combined with using strategies that’ll shortly be revealed.

If you want to see all of those videos, I’ll be providing them in a Real Soundcloud promotion course you can get your hands on. The link is also located below this article.

This Is What $25 Did For Me:

Around day 20 into my exploration of real SoundCloud marketing, I spent $25 on credits on a site called Repost Exchange. This resulted in me getting 2,500 credits to use on reposts from other music artists sharing my music to their fans on SoundCloud. This is real SoundCloud marketing at it’s finest. You’re getting your music heard by fan bases people (in the same genre as you) already built for themselves.

After day 20, I bought an extra $25 credits and then set up a campaign in order to spend them. Once I used them up, my SoundCloud promotion resulted into this:

Gained 5,087 streams, 740 reposts, 375 comments. All in 20 days.

This was as easy as getting the credits. All it took was 30 seconds and hitting go.

Normally, buying SoundCloud promotion from a lot of sites–well really, most so-called real SoundCloud promotion sites–are all super fake. A lot of pages will tell you to buy so-called real SoundCloud promotion–reposts, likes, and shares–for dirt cheap. Later, they mark up prices by like 5-10 times and pretend it’s real SoundCloud promotion. In reality, it’s all nonsense.

In this circumstance, you can see your music getting reposted and commented on by real people. Your streams gradually go up instead of spiking straight up, because the process is actually REAL. I tested it. If it was fake, I would have had 50,000-100,000 streams at the end of the month and only 5,000 followers. But that’s unrealistic.

To be able to do what I did over the course of one month is simultaneously beautiful and mind boggling. I did this to prove to what you can do. If you make good music and start using the real SoundCloud promotion methods I’m showing you, you can succeed.

Gain EVEN MORE For $25 Through Smart Rapper

After knowing Repost Exchange wasn’t a scam, I talked to their CEO about getting a discount for Smart Rapper. He agreed to give 100% free promotion credits to anyone who uses my link to sign up. Yes, you can even use them at the free level. Get bonus credits you can use to gain more fans without having to pay a single penny. 

Again, I did this from NOTHING. If I didn’t rely on my fans for the success of this new profile, then why can’t you do the same?

Also, to prove it is all real, I documented every step of the entire process when using Repost Exchange. I put it all together into a course you can get your hands on 100% free. All you have to do is sign up to my e-mail list below.

When you sign up to that email list, we’ll let you know when my music marketing masterclass launches. It is the best marketing course in the history of the music industry guaranteed. Also, I’m giving anyone on this e-mail list 50% off when I launch it. You will be able to become part of the special beta testers who’ll make sure it is the absolute best.

Sign up below to get the proof it is real as well as get 50% off the super course.

– @Rob Level

Related YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpXGmUM4mkU

Email: https://smartrapper.com/SCC

Repost Exchange: https://repostexchange.com/hi?rfsn=3029117.29d788&r=TXQIZ

SoundCloud Course: https://therapperguide.clickfunnels.com/opt-in

Click here to sign up for the email list

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